Growing up in brazil
Daniel Barber was born in Brazil to American missionaries. Drought, hunger, and persecution were not unfamiliar to young Daniel, but in spite of hard times, his kind and faithful parents raised their family in love, according to the word of the Lord. Even as a small boy, he had big dreams: he dreamt of leaping into the air and flying, of planting coins into the ground and watching them multiply and using the coins to help others, and of preaching the Word of the Lord to huge crowds.
moving to america
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.”
During his teenage years, the hardships of a life in missions had stamped out his childhood dreams; Daniel now wanted to move to America, buy a set of wheels and a house, and marry a pretty girl. Just before his eighteenth birthday, Daniel relocated to the United States and took on two low-paying jobs to survive. By 21, he had strayed from the gospel and from the Church, and things began to deteriorate quickly. Before long, he was homeless.
In 1985, the senior Rev. Barber visited his son, and asked him to rejoin him on the mission field. In 1986, Daniel felt a personal call from his heavenly Father, and knew it was time to come home. In the few years following his call, he was able to secure modest support from a few of his American friends and returned to Brazil for two long-term missions trips, coming back to the United States to work when funds ran dry. In 1989, he began work in sales at Rush Auto Parts in Norwood, MA and by 1993 was blessed with a generous wage of $4,000+ a month. Still, he longed more than anything to follow his calling in the ministry.
Early years
On March 17, 1993, Rev. Daniel Barber made an official move back to Brazil to work with his father on the mission field. Initially, he lived with his parents and worked day and night to build churches. His previous landlord and landlady were his only supporters (donating $25 each month). Later, Sis. Trudy joined them with a $25 per month donation. On the third month of his time in the mission field, he prayed for more support, and the Lord provided.
Brother Barber and his family
A Team Effort
In September of 1995, he met the beautiful Edneia, and in February 1996, made her his wife. During the first years of Daniel and Edneia's marriage, they performed the Lord's work and survived on less than $175 a month. The young Rev. and Sis. Barber were a great team, and worked tirelessly to spread the gospel across Brazil. As they worked, the Lord's faithfulness continued; they were never hungry on the mission field, even after their two beautiful children, Phillip and Jenny, were born.
Reverend Daniel Barber's life on the mission field has not been without trial. His father was imprisoned for preaching the Gospel. In more recent years, he and his family were beat up and robbed at gunpoint in their home. The Lord kept them safe through it all, and has used even the trials for His glory; during the robbery, Rev. Barber was able to share the love of Christ to one of the thieves, and he was converted.
“The Lord Jesus has been mighty good.”
Since his work in the mission field, Rev. Barber has seen those dreams of his youth come to fruition. He has visited the United States to gather support, and has flown across the country of Brazil, going where other missionaries had not dared. He has invested his income into God's work, and time and time again, God has supplied for all his needs. Rev. Barber has also been the primary speaker for over twenty preaching appointments, addressing crowds of 2,000 or more.